Etwaro The Group was founded back in 2003, it has developed into one of Mauritius’ leading construction consultancy firms, specializing in providing a full range of Quantity Surveying, Project Management and Global Consultancy services for both Building & Civil Engineering projects.

With the expansion of the company, Etwaro The Group was created. Under the group falls four distinct entities, Etwaro Cost Consultant, Etwaro Project Management, Etwaro Property Development and Etwaro Africa.

Etwaro Cost Consultant provides a full range of Quantity Surveying (Cost Consultancy) services. Etwaro Project Management offers Project Management services. Etwaro Property Development is the property arm of Etwaro The Group, specialising in the development of offices. Whereas Etwaro Africa was created after a huge demand from our clients to provide Development Management and Global Consultancy Services.

Etwaro The Group has 20 years of experience, with over 300 projects delivered till date and 40 dedicated employees. The Group is located alongside major companies in Vivea Business Park where it owns and manages its A Grade office space.

We are proud to have been involved in the most prestigious projects on the island namely Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius, Decathlon, Legend Hill, New Social Living Development, La Balise Marina, State Bank of Mauritius Branch Renovations, One&Only Le St Géran Private Homes, Renovation of Cotton Bay Hotel, Refurbishment of Maradiva Hotel, HSBC Headquarters and so on.

We Offer

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Our Brand

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Our Projects

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Best Design

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincid. Lorem Ipsun gravida nibh Lorem ipsum vel bibendum. Aenean imperdiet.